Same PPF Account Number Entered in Both Credit and Debit Account Fields Of CPWTM
We have faced an issued in CPWTM that PPF Account Number Entered in Both Credit and Debit Account Fields. The screen shoot shows the effect of mistake i.e. Two entry of deposit and withdrawal are shown in HACLI.
Solution: Two Transactions needs to be created, one is for reversal transaction and the second one for actual required transaction.
1. Reverse Wrong TXN :
- [01] Invoke CPDTM menu as Normal Contribution in TRANSFER mode
- [02] Enter the PPF account number in both Credit and Debit Account number Fields and tran amount same as in Wrong transaction,
- [03] Enter the report code as "REVRS",
- [04] Click on Submit.
2. Enter new proper Transaction :
- [01] Invoke CPWTM menu as Normal Withdrawal,
- [02] Enter the Right account number in Credit A/c field and tran amount for the required new transaction ,
- [03] Keep the report code as "WITDR", same as default populated value.
- [04] Click on Submit.